
Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Stop me before I blog again!

Lame heading, I know it but that's kind of the point here. I've got a problem. I can't stop posting to this stupid blog. My mind has been completely reformatted to fit the medium and now I can't get it to stop generating posts. And I'm not just talking about the stuff that makes it up here. Everything I read, every project I work on, every meal I eat, every song I hear gets processed in my brain into a few short incoherent sentences designed ideally to introduce a hyperlink or two. Which means, of course, that I can no longer complete a thought. This is Acquired Atttention Deficit Disorder (ADDS) and I can't seem to get it under control. Doesn't the fact that I have one kind of mean that the whole blogging thing is pretty much over anyway? Like the way that the emergence of Stone Temple Pilots signaled the death of grunge. (Not that the whole grunge thing lasted long enough to have a death... was there actually a grunge thing? Or was it just Nirvanna for like two records followed by a series of Pepsi commercials? Who knows? Maybe this is a separate blog entry altogether... see? I'm losing my mind!)
Deep breath... ok I'm fine. Back to freaking out over the unfinished term paper.

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