Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Just pick a number

So let's see. The recall campaign spent its final month loudly boasting that it had enough signatures to trigger an election.  They would not tell anyone how many signatures that was, exactly. Instead they literally said, "trust us," to anyone who asked. Then they suddenly discovered... very nearly at the last minute, in fact... that they might lower the threshold they already claimed to have met by filing a lawsuit.

Why were they not concerned about this at the outset of the circus?  They didn't say.  How many signatures are actually on the public record, they were the custodians of? Still not saying. Can the newspaper see them, in accordance with the legal agreement they had signed? No, that is actually none of your business now.  Instead we must focus on the lawsuit because "ACCURATE VOTER ROLLS, WASTE AND FRAUD MUST BE STOPPED, ARGLE BARGLE, ETC." 

Or... maybe we'll just make up a number instead

The LaToya Cantrell recall campaign's lawsuit against Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin is close to being settled, a lawyer for the campaign said at a virtual court hearing Wednesday.

Recall lawyer Laura Cannizzaro Rodrigue told the judge overseeing the case, Jennifer Medley, that the two sides were putting the final touches on a deal that would resolve the lawsuit, which alleges that the recall's signature goal was artificially inflated by thousands of names because of errors on the active voter list.

Sources said Tuesday that the two sides were trying to settle on a number that would set a new minimum cutoff for the recall petition, which must currently prove that it has collected 49,976 signatures to force a vote on Cantrell's fate.

The Registrar of Voters is apparently dismissed from the lawsuit now. So we're no longer even asking anyone to re-canvass and get that accurate count we were so concerned about five minutes ago.  Instead we are going to resolve the "artificially inflated" signature goal by artificially deflating it. 

This whole thing has always been a joke.  I do hope that's finally sinking in for anyone who might have taken it seriously.

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