Wednesday, April 06, 2022


Really brilliant way to word the legislature's bid to completely de-fund public education in Louisiana.  They're "allowing" students to leave

Louisiana children would be allowed to leave public schools and take the state aid with them under a bill that won approval Wednesday in the House Education Committee.

The measure, House Bill 824, was one of a series, but easily the most sweeping, that would create education savings accounts that could be used to attend private schools or for tutoring, supplemental materials and other education services.

"I am doing this for our schools and our students," said Rep. Laurie Schlegel, R-Metairie and sponsor of the measure.

They are doing a lot "for our schools" by removing funds, see.  There are quotes in the article from the usual right wing lobbying groups. LABI is in here. So is the Pelican Institute with this especially poisonous bit.

In a statement, The Pelican Institute said the bills "give kids in Louisiana the ability to receive a tailored education that best fits his or her needs regardless of what zip code they live in."

When they come to replace your socially provided free service with a stipend to go get a "tailored" one to "fit your needs" you know you are in trouble. 

There's a kind of hedged statement of opposition from Aimee Freeman who only says she is "nervous" that there isn't enough "accountability" in the scheme.  The more obvious point comes from Louisiana Association of School Superintendents executive director Mike Faulk.

Faulk said DeVillier's bill would be unfair to students in low-income families because the $5,500 would not be enough to provide alternatives to traditional classes.

In other words, no, this is not about "allowing" students a "tailored" education. For the majority of Louisiana's poor, it is about depriving them of school altogether. 

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