Monday, June 28, 2021

Why is Jared running?

Most political handicappers would tell you that when a scandal-damaged pol who has just lost a different election  jumps into the season's "marquee" citywide race, it probably is not because he can win.  But there is a reason he's in. What is it? Is this money just burning a hole in his pocket?

The strongest indicator in Brossett’s favor may be his funding, though it remains to be seen whether that will hold up as the race picks up.

Brossett headed into this year with more than $100,000 in his campaign account, a seemingly enviable war chest that dwarfed that of any other incumbent councilmember at the time. But the report also points to a potential vulnerability: less than $10,000 of the haul was raised last year and none of it came in after the crash.

The article goes on to point out that he would probably need to raise closer to half a million dollars in order to win this seat.  But that doesn't appear to be the pace at the moment.  Still, he does have enough money and enough clout to have some kind of effect. What does he intend that effect to be?

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