Friday, January 15, 2021

Warped operation speed

 Looks like that expanded vaccine distribution isn't happening as soon as we thought. 

When Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced this week that the federal government would begin releasing coronavirus vaccine doses held in reserve for second shots, no such reserve existed, according to state and federal officials briefed on distribution plans. The Trump administration had already begun shipping out what was available beginning at the end of December, taking second doses directly off the manufacturing line.

Now, health officials across the country who had anticipated their extremely limited vaccine supply as much as doubling beginning next week are confronting the reality that their allocations will not immediately increase, dashing hopes of dramatically expanding eligibility for millions of elderly people and those with high-risk medical conditions. Health officials in some cities and states were informed in recent days about the reality of the situation, while others are still in the dark.

Just yesterday, Louisiana Health Department officials said they were expecting some 58,000 doses in their next shipment as they get ready to ramp up vaccinations.  I wonder if that number is affected by this or if it just means they won't be able to move as quickly as they had hoped.  

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