Thursday, January 28, 2021

The game is stopped

The thing about the stock market being a big absurd bubble that doesn't have anything to do with measuring actual value in the economy is that everyone knows that already and it is boring to point it out. The interesting point lies instead in how obvious it is that no one will ever do anything about it and nothing will ever change.

We've reached a fundamental terminus of development. There is no real economy to return to anymore. We don't create wealth at all. We just concentrate it through arbitrage and "disruption" and recycled imaginary capital. And so public policy isn't what we traditionally understood it to be anymore. It's not about promoting growth or fighting inflation. Instead it is all about rigging the system to protect the hoarded assets. Everything is frozen in place and the churn of the markets is just an illusion. If the bubble "pops" there's literally nothing there. The bubble cannot fail us anymore. We can only fail the bubble. 

And again the really interesting thing is people know this. Even people who don't have an academic sense of how the economy works understand it intuitively. That's why this whole Gamestop fiasco isn't shocking anyone into action. If this had happened at a less broken stage, the point would have been to expose the absurdity of the system so it can be shamed into reform. But everybody already knew the system was rigged. We were way past the point where shock or satire would make any difference.

It's like that thing where Donald Trump became President. You'd think that would have been a wake up call indicating something was deeply flawed with our version of democracy. But what it really demonstrated was that there wasn't anything there to rescue either and that everyone knew it. That's what Gamestop and AMC going "to the moon" is like. It's like just letting Donald Trump be President. It just shows that everyone knows it's all rot anyway.

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