Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Can't wait to see what they come up with

Expiring benefits and the diminishing reserves of Louisiana's unemployment trust fund is a pretty big problem in the middle of a pandemic-induced depression.  It's not the only problem but it is a big one. So the legislature is going to try and solve it. 

That's what they're trying to solve, right?  Or is it something else

Senate President Page Cortez, R-Lafayette, said while the 70-item list of items in the call is "expansive," lawmakers wanted to give themselves plenty of flexibility.

House Speaker Clay Schexnayder, R-Gonzales, pointedly said a significant number of House members believe the governor's rules to combat the virus represent "an imbalance of power."

"This special session will not end without a solution to this problem," Schexnayder said Monday.

Edwards said the state Constitution clearly invests him with the authority to take steps during a public health emergency and he has no intention of surrendering it. "I don't think they are going to be successful in doing that," he said.

When in doubt, everybody yell at the Governor. 

The 70-item session call is here.  The phrase "during an emergency or disaster" comes up in several contexts where it looks like we may be making excuses to sidestep health and safety or environmental regulation, or just fast track money they haven't been able to steal yet.  There is an item in there about classifying workers as employees or "independent contractors." Wonder what that's about.

There's a bunch of stuff that seems like it might could wait until the next regular session. They want to tinker around with public school funding.   There is an item about "licenses and fees." Several items look like they are tied to specific pet projects including "surplus property in Jackson Parish," and "certain contracts involving state parks," among others. There is one that mentions the hotel/motel tax in Jefferson Parish for some reason.

A few items look like they might affect governmental transparency. And, of course, there are the usual  tax cuts for businesses and for oil and gas production. 

There aren't any bills filed yet, but... yeah.. can't wait to see what they come up with. 

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