Wednesday, August 26, 2020

RNC Night 2

Nobody knows what is going to happen in the future.  Also I am aware that I am not the intended audience for either party's convention infomercial.  But two nights into the RNC, and already they have me thinking Trump is going to lose.  


I am thinking that again, now. 

Not that I have any idea what will happen. Can't emphasize that enough. But these conventions give the impression that both parties are in competition to see who can be the most out of touch with the moment. The Democrats spent a week sitting in the dark and being sad. The Republicans are better lit but somehow still matching that energy. This shit is boorrring. 

The 2016 RNC was a non-stop barrage of blood and soil lunacy.  In 2020 they're presenting the meandering mumblings of various Trump family members interspersed with, like a parade of dead weight business guys.  


Nobody is tuning in to see that.  They are coming here to see some troops and cops scream about "antifa" and "radical Islam" and stuff.  And, no, it doesn't count if a coked up Trump son is saying it.  Trump voters want to own some libs about "#obamagate" or bray about the "hypocrisy" of  the Biden family's equivalent corruption.  They do not want to sit though Pam Bondi's droning on and on about any of that, though.  

This is extremely boring content and I have no idea who it is for. We know the Democratic convention was deliberately trying to appeal to Republicans.  According to this CBS poll that got a lot of attention this week, that might not have been the best idea. Only 5% of Republicans responding said they plan to vote for Biden now. 


No surprise to see the Democrats fail. But at least we know what they are up to.  What is this RNC trying to accomplish?  Monday night's closing speech by South Carolina Senator Tim Scott was a dopey talk about "shooting for the moon" to reach your American Dream or whatever.  Scott talked about how trickle down policies like Opportunity Zones and tax credits bring "private sector investment into distressed communities."  It was a speech a Democrat would give if he were trying and failing to attract Republican voters. We heard several at the DNC just like it.  Tuesday ended on Melania Trump, who CNN definitely grades on a curve, speaking (for 25 minutes!) empty aphorisms about "civility" and "sympathy" with no notion of how to actually go about helping anyone. This, again, would have fit right in on the DNC program.  

Why are they wasting their time with this? Why is either party? Nothing in any of this messaging connects to the material world that Americans are living in today.  170,000 + dead of an uncontrolled pandemic.  Millions unemployed with no relief in sight.  Almost nightly acts of violent suppression committed against calls for racial justice. Neither party is speaking to any of that. None of what they offer is for us.  Who is it for?

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