Thursday, July 02, 2020

Herd immunity is also a death cult

It always was, really. But because the only policy responses we're capable of fall within a range from "get used to it" to "maybe it will just go away" then you begin to see why waiting around for herd immunity has always been such a popular option.
Results suggest the New Orleans area is nowhere near herd immunity, which would require a large percentage of the population to be infected with the virus in order to stop it from widely spreading.

Researchers also found a 1.63% fatality rate, which means that reaching herd immunity would result in many more deaths.

"To get to herd immunity, you need 70-80% exposed," said Amy Feehan, an Ochsner research scientist who led the study. "You do the math, and that’s a whole lot of people dying."
Also, there are specific cohorts of people who have to do the bulk of the getting used to all the dying while others reason they will probably be okay waiting it out.  You can guess who those are pretty easily.  In any case, the policy that best protects the status quo of wealth and power will be what we go with. If that means "a whole lot of people dying," well then.. when has that ever stopped us?

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