
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

"What is my biggest worry?"

You know what, maybe this is not the year to be asking ourselves that question.
"Somebody asked me ... over the weekend, what is my biggest worry. And I said 'T4 tripping or being damaged where it can't operate because that is our go-to power generation equipment,' " Korban said. "So, we have redundancy in the system. It's not the redundancy that we need; it's not the redundancy we had a year ago. We are going into this season with a more fragile system and a less redundant system than ever before."
On Monday, City Hall was closed and a lot of people (who aren't already staying home to prevent spreading COVID) stayed home from work because a tropical storm was not really making it rain all that hard.  Today, a random thunderstorm flooded multiple neighborhoods. 

In 2020, if you name your "biggest worry" it comes true.  If you plan to cope with emergencies, they run a fake-out on you.  So, really, why bother worrying at all. 

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