Thursday, January 16, 2020

In other words, they've got it covered

Any way you slice it, a $7.2 million hit to the city coffers to clean up after a "cyberattack" is.. well it's not nothing. But it's important to point out to that, so long as it doesn't get much worse than that, it's within the bounds of what's been budgeted.
Officials have also paid for technical help to move and integrate the city's software. All told, the price tag has hit $7.2 million, a figure Cantrell said could grow.

The city's cybersecurity insurance will cover about $3 million of those costs. But the city will have to pull the rest from its emergency fund, which MontaƱo said totals about $27 million.

"We do anticipate increasing the level of (computer) insurance for the city moving forward, upward of maybe $10 million," Cantrell said.
Also god bless all the city workers and just people who do business with them for dealing with all the headaches this has caused everyone. If you are sending in your property tax bill by the extended February 14 deadline, maybe include a nice little Valentine's greeting with that.

Anyway, it's expensive, but they've got it covered. Remember that when people start fighting over money again come budget season.

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