Thursday, December 05, 2019

So many Motwanis

You may be thinking of the different Motawanis that own all of the property in the French Quarter.  But we assure you, these Motwanis who also own all the property in the French Quarter are entirely different Motwanis. 
Though Kama Sutra’s various records list Motwani’s father, Chandru “Charlie” Motwani, as its manager, investigators determined Bobby Motwani actually operated it, the state ATC has previously said. Investigators also established that Rancifer was a club manager despite being a convicted felon who could not legally hold such a job, the ATC said.

Furthermore, the ATC said its investigators collected evidence of “solicitation of sex, lewd acts, underage alcohol sales to patrons as well as teenage dancers performing at the club.”

The ATC — which last year stepped up enforcement of a law that prohibits dancers younger than 21 from performing topless in strip clubs — suspended Kama Sutra’s liquor license on Feb. 17, and according to information online, it has closed permanently.

Kama Sutra in 2017 replaced a strip club named Babe’s Cabaret, which itself closed after drawing ATC citations during an earlier enforcement sweep. Charlie Motwani opened Kama Sutra in his own name after searching in vain for an operator to lease the vacant space.

An attorney for Charlie Motwani said earlier this year that Kama Sutra was separate and distinct from the better-known land and retail holdings of his brother Mike Motwani.
I know, I know, it's difficult to keep up.  But when our entire system is based on... *checks notes* ... the neo-feudal rights of land barons... then understanding the complex lineages of the great families becomes a fundamental civic responsibility.

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