Thursday, October 03, 2019

Rock bottom Ralph

This is what is has come to for Ralph.  Laffer curve shit.
Abraham has not outlined a specific tax plan, but he has called for eliminating the state’s franchise tax and inventory tax, as well as generally lowering corporate income taxes and sales taxes and creating a flat personal income tax.

At the same time, he promises to boost spending on roads, bridges and education, and vows to avoid the “death by 1,000 cuts” endured under former Gov. Bobby Jindal. That has drawn fire from Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, who argues Abraham's plan doesn't add up.

To reconcile those two positions, Abraham says the economic activity generated from cutting taxes would result in more revenue coming into the state coffers, or in other words, that the tax cuts would pay for themselves.
How thoroughly boring. Ralph is just trolling the absolute rock bottom level of recycled Republican claptrap policy now.  This article is just about as plain as anyone can be in saying this isn't even worth entertaining anymore.
Critics of such arguments also point to Kansas, which under former Gov. Sam Brownback conducted what he dubbed an “experiment” that involved eliminating state income taxes for owners of pass-through businesses, eliminating its top tax bracket and cutting rates. Job figures fell well short of Brownback’s promises, and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers later overrode a Brownback veto to reverse the tax cuts after repeated budget shortfalls, according to the Kansas City Star.
The notorious Kansas "experiment" itself happened long after the "voodoo economics" theories it was based on had long since been discredited.  In his campaign materials, Ralph describes himself as a "country doctor."  Apparently his medical license is inactive, though. Maybe he meant witch doctor.  

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