Friday, March 29, 2019

This will solve everything

City Council finally passed that inclusionary zoning ordinance everyone has been pulling their hair out over for years now. It's not very good for all of the reasons we've been pulling our hair out over trying to explain for years now. It's a trickle-down strategy to give away favors to developers on the condition that they "set aside" a little bit for us.  Of course, it doesn't produce enough affordable housing sufficient to meet the actual need. The fact that housing advocates had to fight as hard as they did just to get it tells us just how badly off they are in their pursuits. The only reason it's even happening now is because legislature is threatening to remove it from the table of options.

Developers said (Inclusionary zoning) would kill new development in the city. They persuaded state lawmakers to strip local governments of the right to implement the concept.

Gov. John Bel Edwards intervened with a veto last year. But he told Orleans and other urban parishes to pass rules implementing the idea before the Legislature reconvenes this year or he would let the ban on inclusionary zoning become law.

Still this policy is essentially tokenism. The net effect is we will have built more nice things for rich people but  the mayor and council have an excuse for that in that they can claim to have done an "affordable housing" thing in the process.  That and they got to hire some consultants to tell them about it in the meantime. They like that too. 

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