
Wednesday, January 02, 2019

To a whole new year of disasters

NOLA Ready 2019

Well here we go again. 2019 feels like it should be a skip year. We're so close to having decades with easily agreed upon names again.  Let's just get this over with and start the 20s already.

But sadly, no matter how post-modern, post-truth, and... well.. still.. just barely pre-apocalyptic the world we live in becomes, we still have to do the years in order for whatever reason and so here we are.  It turns out there's plenty to do this year. There are elections for major statewide offices, including Governor. There are major municipal showdowns brewing over surveillance, housing, and public schools. Also there's a Superbowl to be won.

Last week, I put a blurb in this post about how great the Saints' season has been but I didn't include the two most important data points which could indicate that something special is coming.  The first is the Return of the Mysterious Serval.  (Actually I did mention this in November.)  The fact that a rare African wild cat was spotted on the streets of a Metairie neighborhood this year may seem like a quirky little news item. But it's happened before in Uptown. To be precise, it happened once before. In 2009.  Could it be that the Serval only appears to us when the Saints are on their way to a championship?

Similarly, and I know I have mentioned this previously, the brake tags are black and gold this year.

Brake tag 19

The last time that happened (albeit in a slightly different hue) was, yep, 2009.

Black and Gold Brake tag

So here is 2019. Yeah there's a lot to worry about, but also the signs are looking rather positive.

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