Friday, August 24, 2018

It's always the kids' fault

Tyler Bridges has an idea to share with you about what people should and shouldn't be protesting.
Pence and Scalise spent more time in a private session with big donors, including oil company owner Phyllis Taylor, oil pipeline owner James Davison, attorney Fred Heebe and businessmen Alan Franco, Joseph Canizaro and Eddie Rispone.

Trump has caused revulsion among many progressives with his polarizing activities and comments. But only a handful of protesters showed up outside the National WWII Museum.

One reason may have been that the group Take 'Em Down NOLA had already scheduled a march at the same time to demand the removal of additional Jim Crow-era statues in the city, and that event’s organizers decided not to cancel it. About 70 people attended that march.
Stupid kids are doing it wrong, I guess. I don't know what proportion of the local press actually blames groups like Take 'em Down for Trump but I'm willing to bet it's pretty high. 

Meanwhile you've got all these fine upstanding oligarchs like Tayor, Heebe, etc. meeting with Pence and the much venerated Steve Scalise in the shadow of the rising Bollinger Canopy of Peace at one of the many cultural non-profit grifting and money laundering centers that dominate the New Orleans political culture. But the real problem here is some people protested some statues. At least that is what's implied.

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