
Friday, August 31, 2018

Everybody's gotta figure out their cut

They've spent the better part of this year trying to get Avondale "back into commerce" as a transshipment facility. I think the progress supposedly being reported here is that Jefferson Parish is giving them a PILOT. It's complicated by the fact that there are sooo many entities for the new operator to wring money out of.
But there is much more than tax negotiations to be resolved for the complex Avondale deal to close:
Jefferson Parish President Mike Yenni said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the West Jefferson Levee District and the parish government also have some interest in the matter.
The T-P story doesn't say much about how many jobs this might mean. The WVUE story it cites says 2,500 although there's little information as to what the conditions and quality of that work will be.