Thursday, July 05, 2018

Vigilante code enforcement

Seems like the people are a little bit upset about the Airbnbs.
Sarah Cherny, an NOPD officer who lives with her mother near the house, told adjudication officials she has pulled up to find people vomiting on the home's front lawn. She also disputed whether anyone lived at the house full-time after one of the owners, Jason Darensbourg, told officials the ownership group could claim a homestead tax exemption at the address because he lives in one of the rooms. Darensbourg said he stays at the house when it's not being rented, and with his girlfriend when it's booked as a short-term rental.

"I've never seen you before in my life. You do not live there," Cherny told Darensbourg during the hearing. "This house is completely vacant unless it's being rented to large groups."

Joanna Dubinsky, who lives two houses away, said she became so angry with renters one weekend, she entered the backyard where a DJ was playing and refused to leave until the music was turned down. When the party-goers threatened to call police, Dubinsky said she encouraged them to do so, knowing that police would likely shut down the party.

"It was very interesting how entitled they felt to do all of that," Dubinsky said. "I've lived on this block for 13 years and I've never had anyone be so rude."
At least this sort of thing ought to keep the pressure on the city to stay on the case. Otherwise, I would say the next step is outright expropriation but somebody tried that at this address already.

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