Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Human jukebox accepts coins

Putting your explicit request for kickbacks into writing seems like a good idea.
BATON ROUGE- A lawsuit against Southern University, its band director and a number of other campus officials claims the university's band director asked for a kickback to have the famous Southern band perform at an event.

White Enterprises of Louisiana LLC and Octagon Media sued the university asking for damages it incurred from having to pay out refunds after the band didn't show up for events.

"It was going to be for East Baton Rouge Parish school kids to come to Southern to hear the band play," Attorney for Octagon Media, Amy Newsom said.

The lawsuit alleges Nathan Haymer asked for a ten percent kickback to have the band and Dancing Dolls perform at events they scheduled.

Attorneys wrote in the lawsuit Haymer sent a text message asking to be paid: "The ten percent needs to be made payable to me so that the staff can be properly compensated. I am asking for you to hide this ten percent in your percentage charge from your business. If this cannot be done, please let me know."
You know, the Southern band performs at a lot of events. That would suggest the hidden percentage is actually standard operating procedure and most everyone else pays it.  Here they are leading the Krewe of Femme Fatale this year.  I wonder if the parade paid the tithe. Hard to argue it isn't worth it.

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