Friday, February 02, 2018

Peak Falcons

Arthur Blank is a ninny.

The Atlanta Falcons have had enough of the jokes — especially ones made at their expense.

After multiple instances of ribbing in their Christmas Eve game against the New Orleans Saints, the Falcons complained to the NFL, according to a report from The Advocate's Nick Underhill.

The Falcons took umbrage to the Saints' use of the 28-3 meme in the "Us vs. Them" series they run at all home games. The video clip used the scene of the Falcons leading 28-3 in Super Bowl 51 against the Patriots as their "defining moment." It contrasted with the Saints' defining moment as Steve Gleason's blocked punt against the Falcons in their return to the Superdome following Katrina in 2006.
About that 2006 "defining moment," by the way.  The statue outside of the Superdome that commemorates this glorious moment is missing one detail.  Does anybody remember why that is?
The Superdome statue commemorating Steve Gleason's famous blocked punt has a curious omission: only the figure of Gleason, flying through the air and touching the ball with his outstretched fingers has a name and a team a viewer can determine.

The reason: the Atlanta Falcons refused to grant the Saints and sculptor Brian Hanlon permission to use the Falcons' symbol or the punter's name in the piece, titled 'Rebirth,' according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The Saints repeatedly sought permission from the Falcons, even urging officials in Atlanta to appeal directly to Falcons owner Arthur Blank, sources said. The Falcons told the Saints that appeal had been made, but it remained unclear if Blank personally forbid the use of the trademarks or if underlings simply brushed aside the request from a division rival.
Ha ha, "underlings." No, it was Blank. What a baby.  It's okay, though.  Some enterprising Saints fans took it upon themselves to correct the statue once.  I think this ought to be part of the ritual before every home game vs. Atlanta. But so far, it seems like a one-off.

Falcon punter

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