Some sort of weather irregularity had us holed up in the house with... well.. with pretty much all the regular conveniences, actually. Throughout the duration of the emergency, we still had power (unlike many) we still had heat (again,unlike many of those without power or shelter) we still had water, (unlike many others) What we didn't have for most of the time, though, was internet which sure as hell made it feel like nothing else was working.
In any event it meant we weren't working. With roads shut down everywhere and "New Orleans cut off from all sides," nobody was going anywhere. Menckles had planned to work from home but frozen internet tubes took care of that. Instead we just, you know, went outside.. for very brief bits at a time.. and goofed around.

Winter weather and whether or not it is bad turned out to be one of Alli's topics on the latest (appropriately named as ever) Hunkerdowncast which finally got uploaded once the internet pipes thawed a bit.
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