Thursday, December 14, 2017

Will the last person to get kicked off the internet please turn off the lights?

Here is how stupid this whole thing is.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai appeared Wednesday in a video promoting his impending net neutrality repeal, dancing with a woman who has a history of promoting the so-called "Pizzagate" conspiracy.

The Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which proliferated during the final days of the 2016 presidential race, posits without evidence that high-ranking Democrats were involved in a nonexistent pedophile ring based out of a Washington, D.C. pizzeria. In December 2016, a man motivated by the conspiracy theory fired a gun in the business.

The video, produced by conservative outlet The Daily Caller, features Pai insisting that the FCC's impending, highly criticized repeal of net neutrality will not affect what users can do online.

In one clip, Pai is seen dancing alongside Martina Markota, a video producer for The Daily Caller.
People are confident this will be overturned in the courts. But Trump is packing the courts with conservative troglodytes. People are confident the next Democratic administration will reverse this but, let's face it, the telecoms own them too. By the time the opportunity comes along, everyone will have their noses in enough troughs to hem and haw it all away.

This is a huge loss. If you think the world we live in now is isolating and demoralizing, just wait til you see what it's like without an open internet.  I'm an old now so I remember that time and am not excited to go back there. 

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