Thursday, May 07, 2015


Which movie is he talking about, though?
Party politics could break out. Rep. John Bel Edwards, D-Amite, warned House Speaker Chuck Kleckley, R-Lake Charles, that if not enough Republicans support taxes on the early votes, Democrats will start voting against the later measures.

If that happens, the bills will die and the House will adjourn earlier than expected, state Rep. Joel Robideaux, R-Lafayette and the architect of the tax package, said Thursday morning before the House session began. The House Appropriations Committee will then have to make the feared deep cuts to public colleges and universities and health care when it meets Monday to craft the Legislature’s first version of the budget, Robidaux added.

Today could be like the ending of a Quentin Tarantino movie,” Robideaux said, “where we’re all pointing our weapons at each other threatening to pull the trigger. Hopefully that won’t happen.”
Robideaux is probably thinking about the one where all the gangsters shot each other.  Although it's worth noting that the five point palm exploding heart technique is the closest thing to medical care the state is likely to be left with in the new budget.  Bobby Jindal's already well into the part where he goes off to "walk the Earth like Kane in Kung fu" but it's hard to tell what the actual ending of that movie is anyway.

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