Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Land racket

Happens according to slightly different circumstances in different cities but, for the most part, yep, pretty much.
The lie is that schemes like Teach For America, charter schools backed by venture capitalists, education management organizations (EMOs), and Broad Foundation-prepared superintendents address black parents concerns about the quality of public schools for their children. These schemes are not designed to cure what ails under-performing schools. They are designed to shift tax dollars away from schools serving black and poor students; displace authentic black educational leadership; and erode national commitment to the ideal of public education.
Which is fine because..
As the nation’s inner cities are dotted with coffee shop chains, boutique furniture stores, and the skyline changes from public housing to high-rise condominium buildings, listen to the refrain about school reform sung by some intimidated elected officials and submissive superintendents. That refrain is really about exporting the urban poor, reclaiming inner city land, and using schools to recalculate urban land value. This kind of school reform is not about children, it’s about the business elite gaining access to the nearly $600 billion that supports the nation’s public schools. It’s about money.


  1. Thank you Jeffrey. This is good information.

  2. Ok, so were Ellenese Brooks-Simms and Mose Jefferson doing it for the kids? Who are the good guys?

  3. mominem9:39 AM

    Can you please explain how you could propose to achieve true reform of obviously failing schools?
