Thursday, April 18, 2013

Yes we Pelican move forward and resilience and some other cliche

In one short week, we will have officially re-named the basketball team and drafted some new football players.  I feel like this represents a significant turn of the corner. It's been an especially crappy sports year when even a suitcase full of paper somehow managed to befuddle the defense at the Superdome.
 At 8:20 p.m., NOPD spokesman officer Garry Flot reported that a SWAT team was on the scene and is sending in a robot to check the package. By 11:40 p.m., word came from the Police Department that the abandoned piece of luggage was full of papers, and that Poydras Street would reopen soon.
On the bright side, one imagines the police were thrilled by the opportunity to deploy the bomb robot.  They  almost never get to do that.  Would it be too much ask if we could get the robot to come out to every Saints game this year.? You know.. for security and all.. but also he could run out and fetch the kicking tee. That way we could fight terror and see something adorable all at the same time.

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