Thursday, November 01, 2012

Yeah... we know

Not trying to be insensitive or anything but the more the national news outlets cover the situation in New York City as though it has never happened to anyone else before in the history of the Earth, the more annoyed I start to get.


  1. celcus1:17 PM

    With you on that.

  2. Here's <a href=">another one</a> at HuffPo. Good quote right at the beginning... "The storm was unlike anything we've seen in a generation." Apparently this generation started sometime after late 2005.

  3. rickngentilly9:25 PM

    they keep sayin it's new york's katrina. what more do you want? now stfu with your please sir may i have more mess.

  4. Fuck yourself, rick. When the national media starts telling them that they deserved it because they were dumb enough to live there, they can call it New York's Katrina. My heart goes out to Staten Island, Red Hook, Breezy Point, Long Beach, etc, etc (not to mention the, what, 5 other states?) but these Manhattan assholes can suck it.

  5. rickngentilly7:43 PM

    yo bullet , chill the fuck out pard. i thought tounge in cheek sarcasim was understood here. i guess i gotta learn how to use emoticons to convey my message better. sorry you took it the wrong way buddy.

  6. Sorry, rick. Truly I am. I really should have caught that that was a joke, but
    I was flying off the handle far too much about this thing. I lived in NYC for about 6 years before, during and after 9/11 and then came home in time for Katrina, so this whole thing has me angry, upset and very disappointed. That's no excuse, however, and I am sorry. My apologies to you, jeffrey, as well.
