Tuesday, November 06, 2012

False flags

This Linda McMahon stunt is pretty brazen.

Reports out of Connecticut on Election Day tell a tale of Republican Senate candidate Linda McMahon sure to go down in the annals of GOTV false flag operations.

McMahon’s campaign is closing out the cycle with an appeal to urban and minority voters that looks and feels much like a Democratic campaign effort. Doorhangers call on voters to cast their ballots for President Obama as well as McMahon, promising the pair “will fight for us.” T-shirts mimicking the election gear worn by members of the Service Employees International Union are being donned by pro-McMahon forces at polling places, again tying McMahon to Obama. They read “I Support Obama & McMahon November 6th.” And “sample ballots” bearing McMahon’s campaign bug are being handed out at some urban polling places with just two names on them: McMahon and Obama.

Nowhere does any of this material say McMahon is a Republican or is herself voting for Mitt Romney.
What McMahon is doing is particularly deceptive but it isn't unusual for down-ticket candidates to try and piggyback on the popularity of candidates in higher profile races however loose their affiliation might be.  For example, Orleans Parish DA Leon Cannizzaro and President Obama are technically both Democrats.  One assumes that Cannizzaro supported Obama in 2008 given his election day signage but who know for sure? Does Obama even know who Cannizzaro is?


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