Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Meme watch

How soon before we begin to hear any of the following:

1) Why would they build a city in such a dangerous place?

2) Why did they not evacuate? Didn't they hear the warnings?

3) Should they be allowed to come back? Wouldn't those people be better off with a fresh start?

4) Why would anyone who lives in such a place not take the personal responsibility to own a car in case they need to evacuate?

5) Doesn't this present New York city with a "silver lining"? A "blank slate" upon which to re-imagine itself?

6) Why should a cab driver in Detroit care about rebuilding a city in a flood zone?

Tanker run aground by Sandy. Staten Island, NY.

Barge pushed through Industrial Canal floodwall. New Orleans, LA 2005.


  1. bigchief_david9:38 PM

    Beware, that Detroit cabbie is one heartless bastard.

  2. Nolamom12:46 AM

    sometimes eating crow puts things in perspective. other times it's just plain hard to digest.
