Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who wears these pants anyway?

American foreign policy debate works like this.

Our so-called liberals fall all over themselves to prove they can be more vicious and reckless than our conservatives. They blow things up. They imprison people indefinitely (or just kill them) without due process. They work tirelessly to suppress free speech and political expression.

But no matter how hard they work at this it's always a losing proposition politically because the "branding" inevitably comes down to some idiotic fashion analogy. Since they're going to lose anyway, it would be nice if, for once, our so-called liberals would choose an actual liberal policy position hill on which to die.

Also someone with some more sophisticated fashion sense than mine needs to explain to me what the difference between "mom jeans" and "cowboy jeans" is. I suspect it's about as subtle and insignificant as the difference between our major political parties.

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