Monday, August 01, 2011


From this weekend's Edwardian Ball:
Edwards also weighed in on Jindal and Jindal's possible interest in running for national office.

"I think he makes a good governor for California, Minnesota, Florida -- all those places where people keep putting up all that money, concerned about who the governor of Louisiana is," he said.

Meanwhile The Lens' Ariella Cohen gives us the numbers behind that quip.
The latest campaign filings from Gov. Bobby Jindal show more money flowing to him from former eBay CEO and defeated California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman than from the entire population of New Orleans.

The largely uncontested incumbent raised $313,859 in cash between April 16 and July 14, $10,000 of it from the Atherton, Ca., Republican and her husband, Griff Harsh, filings released Monday show. In comparison, $1,825, or half of one percent of the total from all donors, came from New Orleans.

Update: More on the EWE pageantry from Adrastos.

He was, after all, a 4 term Governor who did some good things alongside the chicanery. Edwin had at least one foot planted in the Longite populist tradition. Corruption was also a part of that tradition but "conservative reformers" such as Jindal get nothing worthwhile done whereas the rascals have built highways, universities and hospitals.

Upperdate: Edwards will be "guest bar-tending" at Molly's at the Market August 23.

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