Friday, August 26, 2011

EWE Lombardi Gras keeps rolling along

Actually this is pretty shrewd. By talking about how he would run if only someone would let him, Edwards can take shots at Jindal without being a drag on any potential real life challengers... should anything like a real life challenger happen to emerge. In the absence of serious oppostion, Edwards' theater of the absurd tour is the highest profile vector through which Jindal's record can be attacked right now.
"The finances of the state are in a horrible mess," Edwards said. "We are $500 million in debt that somebody needs to be addressing in the next four years, unless we're going to leave that debt to our children and grandchildren. And there's been a defunding of education and defunding of medical care for indigent people and old people and children. Things are just in a horrible mess.

Someone else could have a chance of winning, "but it's getting awfully late," he said. "It would take a person with resources and the kind of personality and ability that it would take to be a successful candidate. He or she would have had to get started yesterday."

Democrat Tara Hollis, the only challenger so far, "is doing a good job on the Internet pointing out the deficiencies of the Jindal administration," Edwards said. "It's too bad she doesn't have the money to get on the public media to get better distribution. Anybody who is on her list and reading the articles that she is putting out is going to be surprised at what's going on at the State Capitol."

This morning Tara Hollis' website boasts 188 subscribing "members." Meanwhile on Facebook, people are interested in whether or not Edwards should be pardoned. Here's the latest tally in that debate.

EWE pardon

Right now the best way for Hollis or any candidate to get their message out is for Edwin Edwards to talk about how he might like to run on that message.

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