Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sorry, I've been momentarily distracted by bullshit

Nothing like following ridiculous Tweeter Tube rumors all morning to snap you out of your malaise. The sugar high never lasts, however, and once the thing has run its course without validation you're just kind of left there grasping for meaning much like you were before it all started. Oh well.

In the meantime try to think about something else. Here's what else has been going on while we've been chasing rainbows:

City Council redistricting is almost finished. Tomorrow they'll be making a decision between two competing maps... or just pulling several other possibilities out of a hat at the last minute.
As with any proposed ordinance, council members are not restricted to an up-or-down vote on either plan and could offer amendments from the floor. That process likely would create headaches, since each new change would have to maintain the rough balance of residents in each district while also complying with the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Perhaps most challenging will be satisfying the desires of district council members, whose competing interests in neighborhoods, public amenities and commercial corridors tend to drive the way the map gets carved up.

BP and the Feds are still disputing flow-rate estimates. This will continue to be important as the National Resource Damage Assessment process determines BP's future responsibility to repairing the gulf coast.

Oh shit the lockout is ending!

Oh wait, maybe not.

Ditto that on the Debt Ceiling negotiations

Finally, from the "They're only just now thinking of this?" dept:

LSU to brew and sell its own beer

I think I remember seeing something about SEC schools considering lifting the ban on beer sales in football stadiums. Is this a sign?

Update: Oh good heavens!

Because Varg is being a twat about this.

Varg being a twat

We have preserved the twitted rumor and placed it here basically for his benefit although we're nearly 100 percent certain it is worthless bullshit.

Rumor 1

Rumor 2

Rumor 3

We hope the universal balance has been restored.

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