Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wait. What?

Gambit: City made verbal offer to buy Le Petit Theatre for NORD programming
This afternoon, Ryan Berni, spokesman for Mayor Mitch Landrieu, wrote, "The administration was approached by members of the Board at some point. We were interested in the possibility of using Le Petit for NORDC [New Orleans Recreation Development Commission] programming and to create a theater center. We got to the point of making a verbal offer which was declined." Berni clarified soon after: "it was discussions with board members and not a formal presentation to the full board." Asked whether the "theater center" would have been a somehow reimagined Le Petit with the current board, and how much the city was willing to pay for the building, Berni declined comment.
No, really. How much was the city willing to pay for a "NORD theater center"? I mean how much was the city willing to pay to turn a building over to the "quasi-private" NORD board to manage, and where was that money going to come from?
NEW ORLEANS - The city of New Orleans may be forced to make new budget cuts as the administration identifies what sources say could be a $3.5 million shortfall in the current fiscal year.

Sources say that department heads at City Hall have been warned about the situation and have been told they should begin identifying possible cuts.

Did they also consider, perhaps, buying the Chevron building just for the hell of it?

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