Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meff Memories

Meffert after his civil trial guilty verdict in 2009.

Though I am relieved that the jury saw through some of this witch hunt, I'm disappointed that a majority of the jury found that I may have been liable for a small portion of the accusations, and we have a strong appeal underway. I am not giving up: the truth will win out and our significant advancements will be reinstated as the record of my service to the city I love.

This verdict and trial attest to the injustice of a politically-motivated newspaper partnering with profit-driven plaintiff lawyers. This unholy alliance destroyed my reputation and my ability to make a living for my family; clearly, the justice system can be manipulated in the name of money and politics.

The paper’s actions went beyond bad journalism in its efforts to deprive me of my civil rights. The newspaper obviously feels it is an authority higher than our legal system, even betraying the public trust, and I am forced to pursue legal recourse against them for intentional damage.

My family has suffered relentless, intentionally erroneous and mean-spirited attacks by the newspaper attempting to prejudice a jury. This indecent alliance aborted journalistic objectivity and misled our justice system.

Together as a family we will attempt to rebuild lives that have been irreparably damaged. I remain grateful and humbled by the steadfast love and support of my wife, family and many others.

In 2007 Meffert gave a famously embarrassing interview to Garland Robinette which might still be available via the audio link in this post from Oyster. I can't check it right now. It might be worth your while to track down, however. Oyster's summary:
Meffert stumbled and bumbled so badly, he made Robinette sound like George Plimpton.

Also see this breakdown of the interview a few days later by Dambala.

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