Tuesday, March 29, 2011


If we've already established that Gulf Coast Claims Facility claims processors are not allowed to say they are independent of BP, and those same processors are funding Governor Jindal's reelection campaign, can we say that the Governor is independent? Do we consider him a subcontractor?

Update: Speaking of independence from BP, what do we make of this?

Institutional pressures work in small, subtle ways and you better believe British Petroleum and Ken Feinberg know this.

They also know that LSU, the university where Jack Weiss is a respected leader in law, has received millions upon millions of dollars from British Petroleum. Now, I wouldn’t insinuate a direct quid-pro-quo is in effect, but the idea that those amounts of money don’t linger somewhere in the back of Mr. Weiss’s mind as he selects these judges is not so easy to dismiss. Especially these days, as Bobby Jindal is turning the destruction of Louisiana’s higher education into an art form, cutting millions of dollars to universities already financially hurting.

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