
Friday, August 20, 2010

Kudos to NOLA.com

It's been a while since I've treated myself to a NOLA.com comments thread so I don't know if this is a brand new development.

This morning I read Jarvis DeBerry's column about a federal court decision (sort of) in favor of black homeowners discriminated against by the Road Home program. I say sort of because the court also said those homeowners are basically SOL even if their complaint is valid... well just go read the story.

Anyway, I noticed that, although the comments do contain some of their customary quantity of stupid, they don't fall all the way off the neanderthal racism cliff we've seen them plummet over in the past. I don't know how strictly they're being monitored for that but I do notice that DeBerry is actively participating in the discussion by responding to comments and keeping the conversation on point. Again, I don't know how new this is but it's a practice many of us have long suggested for NOLA.com and it's encouraging to see Jarvis take the time to do it.

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