Thursday, April 29, 2010

Profiles in courage

Mary Landrieu stands up to be counted in Washington on behalf of her constituents when they need her the most.

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., took to the Senate floor this afternoon to warn that the response to the deadly oil rig accident and spill shouldn't be to limit future off-shore drilling - as some environmental groups advocate.

While Landrieu said the spill is a major disaster and substantial threat to her state's coastlines and wildlife, at least the oil isn't the thick kind that caused substantial damage to the Santa Barbara, Calif., coastline in 1969, leading to an four-decade moratorium on drilling off the California and Florida coasts.

She said the federal government should spare no effort to find out the cause of the rig accident and make needed changes in regulations to assure "this never happens again."

I'm not saying that the Horizon spill should mean the END OF ALL DRILLING or anything like that. But certainly this is an occasion for our elected representatives to be applying pressure on the oil industry to make their operations less catastrophically dangerous to us and our livelihoods. Mary seems to be taking the opposite approach here. Which begs the question. Who exactly does she think she represents?

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