Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Throw them in a landfill

Now that she's had time to understand the question, Leslie Jacobs has decided that she actually does have a thought about the mismanagement and possible civil and human rights violations at the juvenile detention facility known as the Youth Study Center. And it is this.

“These students have a constitutional right to education and, moreover, if they ever are going to be released, they are going to need it,” she said. “Issue one, is this the right delivery method for education of youth violent offenders?. There are some who say it needs to be rethought, others who say do what you need to do, but don’t do it in my back yard. It’s been one of the issues I’ve been astounded by a lack of leadership.”

Jacobs suggests that the juvenile detention center be moved to a government-owned property off Almonaster Avenue near the Interstate 10 overpass in the Ninth Ward. “We have a lot where the buses were located. It’s a very commercial, very industrial neighborhood, not very residential,” she said.

In other words, Jacobs is pretty sure people won't be so upset about it if we just move it over to Almonaster right next to all the other junk we put there. Given the way she's worked so much to create a more ghettoized system of public education in New Orleans, this is hardly surprising.

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