Thursday, December 03, 2009

Not clear what he means by "we"

Because the transition from "he/I" to "we" is pretty abrupt here:
In the radio interview, Nagin also said he has been personally demonized by the media, and he took shots at Inspector General Ed Quatrevaux, federal investigators and his critics on the council.

He encouraged listeners to pay close attention to Quatrevaux's office and the upcoming mayoral election, claiming that if the wrong person is elected it could "do damage to this community for a long time to come."

"You could have a major shift in political power, not only in the mayor's seat, but on the council," he said. "We've already seen with the DA, and I've been hearing rumors about sheriff. I think we've got to figure out a way to consolidate around one or two candidates (in the mayor's race)."

Nagin said he plans hire Silas Lee to conduct a poll in January, and will personally use his influence to help whittle down the field based on the results of that poll.
Again, that's "he has been personally demonized" therefore "we've got to consolidate" Who is we? Us folks who are "personally demonized" along with Nagin? Who is that? Who are we?

Earlier in this article there is more bizarre pronoun usage regarding the budget implementation.
Nagin said he will institute a 4-day work week at City Hall to reduce electricity costs, and will discontinue all blight abatement hearings.

"I'm not sure if we can pay the electric bills, and you know Entergy won't like that," he said in his one-hour interview on WBOK-AM.

He added: "I can't do any more blight abatement because of the way this budget came down."

Also on the mayor's list of cuts: canceling an order for 250 new police, fire and emergency vehicles, and seeking a cheaper health plan for city workers.
Now, the thought of the Mayor personally "doing blight abatement" certainly conjures some humorous images. And it's pretty difficult for most of us to have any immediate sympathy with the idea of Entergy not liking something. But forget that for a second. What all of this really amounts to is Nagin threatening to make as many of we miserable as possible at least in part because "he has been personally demonized" So I'm still not sure what the Mayor means by "we" when everything always seems to be about "he".

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