Thursday, December 03, 2009

Dopey-looking animal sits on couch to receive reluctantly given pat-on-the-head

Also there's a dog in it.

I got a kick out of reading the incredulous reactions of E and Dambala but I still don't think this is as bad as the Perry "What the F#&%" ad was. The common thread between the two is the canned irony. Here Georges is saying, "We both know that we're all too smart for a phony cliched political ad but we're gonna do it anyway, wink wink" Except, of course, just saying that is still a political ad and an even more insidious one at that. Perry's ad played the same trick. It only worded the same message differently. "What the fuck! It's politics as usual! I hate this shit! Now let me tell you why I'm running.." What made the Perry ad worse was the inexplicable "Eagle Scout" reference as well as the "5 Changes" he promised to make but didn't enumerate.

Still, both candidates are insulting your intelligence all while explicitly pretending not to. Bill Hicks could explain just how evil this is better than I can.

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