Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quick fire

Ten Things Anthony Bourdain and David Chang Hate

I can't decide which one I like better. It's either this,

Alice Waters. While both men applauded “her message” and Chez Panisse’s game-changing cuisine, Bourdain likened her to a hippie who doesn't grasp that the poor can’t afford organic milk.

Or this,

Guy Fieri. Cooking is not about “fuckin’ sunglasses and that stupid fuckin’ armband.” If he ever does that, “throw [him] down the stairs,” Chang said.

In the past, Bourdain has compared Fieri to "Poochie", a somewhat obscure Simpson's character. Regular readers here will recall that we have since extended this monicker to Saints tight end Jeremey Shockey because... well because he's kind of the football version of Fieri. (All is explained in this post)

Finally there's this,

Career-Changers Who Want to Start Cooking Professionally at 30. Cooking is “grueling physical labor,” said Chang, adding that he’d never seen anybody start “that late” in life and succeed.

I'm going to just keep that one and haul it out every time someone suggests that I do something as stupid as "start cooking professionally". (Yes, I get that from time to time from various people... including my current boss, by the way, which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence) On the other hand, the term "career-changer" suggests that one actually had a "career" to begin with so I don't really know if this applies to me at all.

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