Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Okay I'm all for "killing the bill" now

If it's gonna be this crappy there's no point in doing it.

Jay Rockefeller sez of the stupid Baucus Bill:
"It seems to me," he scolds, "that, if you are proposing to implement consumer health insurance co-ops on the scale contemplated by the Finance Committee, then you certainly should know what has been the experience with them so far.... I believe it is irresponsible to invest over $6 billion in a concept that has not proven to provide quality, affordable health care, when we know that a public health insurance option will rein in costs and save taxpayers billions of dollars."

Upperdate: Athenae sez:
What fourth grader couldn't tell you they were never gonna vote for it no matter how many concessions it included? Baucus could have put forth whatever halfass Sudoku puzzle the Republicans were waving around during Obama's speech the other night, and the wingnuts would still oppose it for no other reason than that they want Democrats to suffer. This is how it works.
This was never difficult to figure out in the first place, but given the Democrats' recent experience with this phenomenon during the stimulus debate, you'd think they'd know how to make this work by now. Unless they just don't give a shit, which is probably what explains Baucus anyway.

One more time, just for fun, let us review the GOP legislative strategy so that we may wonder again at just how crappy Obama and his party have been at combating it.

Uppestdate: headline pretty much sez it all
New health care proposal is industry's favorite so far

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