You know you're getting old when the first two people to wish you a happy birthday each give you some permutation of, "Please don't die before me". Next year, I expect they'll just go the whole nine and chip in to get me that Hoveraround.
Besides, who ever said that hanging around the longest is any sort of accomplishment anyway? Each year, I'm tempted to look back through the growing list of people who actually did things with their lives within a shorter span of time than I've been allotted.
But, really, fuck those overachieving douchebags. Robert Pollard was 36 when his band finally got enough attention that he could finally give up teaching 4th grade. And although there is some conflicting evidence, it is generally assumed by most fans that Homer Simpson is supposed to be 36 years old.
What does all this mean? Well since Homer and Bob are more or less my numbers 1 and 1A sources of inspiration, it could mean that I'd better do something big in the next year or else it's all downhill from there.
Meanwhile, Happy Frickin' Birthday to me, I guess.
Title reference since many of you may be too fucking young to get it.