Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Soupy to nuts

Sean Payton (Also known by his nickname "Soupy" around here) has some strange tendencies. We all remember the bizarre jazz funeral for (and subsequent exhumation of) Saints team awards from 2006. Last week, we learned that Payton has developed a screenplay for a movie about Xboxes. And today we find him... searching for treasure.

They did what?
Head Coach Sean Payton said the team took yesterday off from practice, instead working through a treasure hunt through much of downtown and the French Quarter.

I'm worried about Coach Soupy. He's approaching a Ditka-esque level of oddball behavior. Doesn't he even know that Pyratecon isn't until April?

More on the treasure hunt from Soupy's afternoon presser

"Yesterday we had an excursion; we didn't have a practice."

What did you do?

"We were in the French Quarter with a scavenger hunt. It was a pretty interesting day. It was three hours and 21 teams. There was a group that came in and put together the package. It started downtown and finished over at Drago's in the city. It was good."

How did it work?

"There was a series of 10 clues where you had to go throughout the city - mostly in the French Quarter - and you were being graded by time and the amount that you got right."

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