Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oprah = Pure Evil

Yes, of course, but did you know specifically why?

Via Athenae who I could pretty much link and quote all day long BTW, and who adds this observation about the a key tendency of Oprah's audience.
Bad things don't happen to good people, and I am a good person. That's the assumption. You hear it every time someone is featured in the news as being poor or unfortunate, the subtext (or, increasingly, text) that "she should have done this, that, the other thing," that "I would never make that mistake." You'd evacuate before the hurricane, you'd sell some bling to buy health insurance, you'd refuse a cheap mortgage if someone dangled it in front of your face and told you to take it, etc, etc, etc. Nothing bad would ever happen to YOU, because you're smarter, more virtuous, you're destined to be okay.

And there you have the more-or-less permanent core values of the American political center laid right in front of you. Anyone asking why I seem to be such a pessimist can always refer back to this point.

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