Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stop Messing With Texas

Texans have an overdeveloped sense of pride? The hell you say! Regardless of the current political climate, I promise you you can get close to 50% of Texans to answer a question about their ability to function as their own nation with a "Hell Yeah!" any day of the week. It's only been drummed into their heads since the cradle that they were once their own Republic, and that they're like... a really big state, and that God likes to watch their football team play or some such shit.

They all feel like this. Even liberal Texans are sympathetic with this creed. And guess what? That's okay. They're allowed to have fun with that. Lord knows we enjoy the Sinn Feinism in South Louisiana our own selves from time to time.

Is it a dumb thing for Texas Republicans to go around boasting that a potential act of treason (which has exactly zero chance of actually happening) is somehow evidence of their patriotism? Well, sure. But for national liberals to take this bait and smugly impugn the unique Pan-Texan sense of self is probably even dumber.

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