Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Quick observations

1) God I hate Bush

2) Are we sure Cheney didn't injure himself actually letting the door hit him in the ass on the way out?

3) Obama's speech is very much the sort of thing you might have liked to hear from your President on 9-11.

4) Although Obama mentioned the word levees, he did not say anything about New Orleans or the Gulf Coast in the infrastructure agenda portion of his speech. Kind of a bummer.

5) We set up a television in the library so that people could watch the inauguration with us. I *almost* teared up a bit when Roberts said, "Congratulations, Mr. President" but managed to keep it together.

6) At one point the camera fell on Ray Nagin in the audience. One of our patrons exclaimed, "Oh no!" and retreated to the other side of the room. "I can't watch that. It's bad enough they made me look at that other idiot (meaning Bush)" She came back to watch the rest of the speech when she felt safe from threatening images.

7) George W. Bush. God, I hate that guy.

8) Ladies and gentlemen, the new Whitehouse.gov. What does this mean for the future of Whitehouse.org?

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