Friday, July 25, 2008


The NOAH story has officially made the crossing from the ridiculous to the sublime. That crossing being a bridge made of "environmentally friendly" bamboo, no doubt. The latest WCBF anyalysis (read googling) of NOAH contractors makes the following fascinating connection:

NOAH --> Parish-Dubuclet Services Inc. --> Trellis Smith --> EC Advertising --> Stacey Jackson.

That's former NOAH director (and, for a time, keeper of the sacred office keys) Stacey Jackson is a business partner of NOAH contractor Trellis Smith. Okay. Fine. Most of us would expect as much in a small town like this. A lot of people in and out of government services in any municipality know a lot of the same people and these people all network and go into business together. It's nothing new. Sometimes it looks bad but in reality it only IS bad if the government services in such people's charge are neglected in favor of furthering their private businesses. A lot of Dragonslaying types get so excited that they miss this point but proximity of persons is hardly anything to get all disturbed over.

What is disturbing is another business relationship between Smith and Jackson that E has dug up. The Him Store is a.. um... purveyor of high-end designer underwear for men. According to this Gambit feature (cleverly titled "Bambooty"), among the products offered at The Him Store is a new line of undergarmet made partially from... bamboo. We are told that the benefits of bamboo-based underwear include the following:
In addition to being a natural deodorizer, bamboo-made fabric wins points with environmentalists for its sustainability. It renews quickly, sucks in greenhouse gasses and releases oxygen.

Imagine encountering Al Gore in the street and being able to make an under any other circumstance obscene gesture and say to him, "I got yer global warming solution right here, Gore!" Or you could go to parties and say things like "Who wants to check my carbon footprint?" People would love you. Trust me on this.

E also points out that The Him Store offers franchising opportunities. That's right. You too could become a business partner with politically connected folks. Maybe some day You Could Be Famous too. It seems like now is as good a time as any to get in on the bamboo-based designer undergarmet business. With the Saints season soon to be underway, we're certain that Misters Bush and Shockey would make great potential spokespersons. Shockey, for one, can be seen on this morning's T-P sports page modeling a similarly douchey pair of fashionably manufactured faux cut-offs... for the discerning white trash man of leisure. As for Bush... well who wouldn't want to be sporting the latest in new-age undies when going through one's daily Fre Flo Do routine?

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