Thursday, March 13, 2008

Extreme Mild

City Business
Survey: Landrieu is most centrist senator

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-New Orleans, is the most centrist member of the U.S. Senate based on her 2007 voting record, according to an annual analysis of votes by National Journal magazine.

The magazine, which calls itself nonpartisan, called Landrieu the Senate's “ideological center,” noting that there is just as many (sic) senators with a more conservative voting record than Landrieu's as there are those with a more liberal record.

“Louisianians, like most Americans, do not want leadership that moves us right or left. They seek solutions that move us forward,” Landrieu said. “Like other reform-minded Senate moderates, I will continue voting with an independent mind, looking to smart solutions that reflect the political center. This means voting against counterproductive taxes that would primarily target Louisiana jobs and businesses. It also means supporting the administration when its position benefits our state and country. But I will continue to fight polices that are bad for Louisiana, such as when our delegation worked together to successfully override the president’s veto of the $7-billion water projects bill.”

Only in the context of something as confused and stupid American politics can the words "reform" and "moderate" go together and make any sense to anyone.

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