Thursday, February 07, 2008

Things I would prefer not to have to read this week

Opinion columns, official speeches, political fliers, blog posts, etc. which follow the form,

"Thank you, [CANDIDATE] for taking the time to [VISIT/MENTION/NOD KNOWINGLY AT] the still recovering New Orleans area and its needs during these two days prior to the Louisiana primaries. We were moved today when you applied your inspirational rhetoric toward the purpose of advocating for and in no way dishonestly pandering to voters here during these desperate moments of the campaign and fully expect to hear more from you on this subject in future weeks."

I urge those of you who may be thinking about it to refrain from penning such statements. By doing so you are only participating in the disingenuous salesmanship of these depressingly empty gestures by the candidates. There is just no need to suck back up to those who are already so artlessly sucking up to you. Oh shit. Too late. Here is your Governor already sucking up to as many candidates as the reporter can ask him about. At least he believes himself to be angling for a veep spot on the ticket. Most of you have far less to gain from participating in this pageantry.

Plus, despite the hubub being put out by the local media and local party officials, Louisiana's delegates just aren't a big enough prize for anyone to make any serious demands over. After this week, your state and its problems will remain as insignificant to the 2008 Presidential campaign as they have been up until this point.

Meanwhile by all means enjoy the Kabuki... but realize that's all it is.

Today's play bill:

NOLA News Ladder reports that Bill Clinton will arrive tomorrow to campaign for his wife alongside (still) current LA 2nd Congressional District Representative and Superdelegate Bill Jefferson.

Obama Cultists are seen here holding an all night vigil for their saviour marketing gimmick cool points badge candidate who is scheduled to give a recital speak today on the Tulane Campus. Thankfully, Tulane students only represent the enlightened elite sector of the population in their own minds.

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